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China-aided school building handed over to Laos - China-aided school building handed over to Laos
The handover ceremony of the China-aided Phiawath Complete Secondary School building has been held in Lao capital Vientiane.Speaking at the ceremony on Thursday, Ardsaphangthong Siphandone, the mayor of Vientiane, said the school building is one of the Ch


中国援建体育文化中心移交突尼斯 - China-aided sports, cultural center handed over to Tunisia
一位负责监督该项目的当地官员说,中国援助的本·阿鲁斯青年体育文化中心已经在突尼斯东北部交付。突尼斯设备部项目主管尼扎尔·佐格拉米(Nizar Zoghlami)上周五在本阿鲁斯省举行的交接仪式上宣布了这一消息,并补充说,该中心将很快向公众开放,给突尼斯人带来很多快乐。“中国员工在施工过程中克服了许多意想不到的困难,特别是


First stage of emergency hospital project handed over to Hong Kong authorities
The facilities built in the first-stage construction of an emergency hospital project, aided by China's central authorities, was handed over


First phase of emergency hospital handed over to Hong Kong
The first phase of the Central Government-Aided Emergency Hospital in Lok Ma Chau Loop was officially handed over to Hong Kong on Thursday,


Is packing important to you?
A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.As Graduation Day approach


With one small gesture
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Frid
