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嫌男友拍的照片丑?他们已经很拼了好吗Boyfriends “forced” to take perfect pictures of their girlfriends


A wonderful little girl 天使女儿救妈妈
There came a frantic knock at the doctor's office door,A knock, more urgent than he had ever heard before,"Come in, Come in," the impatient doctor said,"Come in, Come in, before you wake the dead."In walked a frightened little gir


"But what if I break my arm again?" my five year-old daughter asked, her lower lip trembling. I knelt holding onto her bike and looked her right in the eyes. I knew how much she wanted to learn to ride. How often she felt left out when her


A girl's smile 女孩的微笑
大约十年前,我还在上大学,当时我在学校自然历史博物馆里实习。有一天,当我在赠品店的收银机那里忙活时,看到一对年迈的夫妇,推着一辆轮椅走了进来,轮椅上坐了个小女孩。About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as a


A girl's smile 女孩的微笑
大约十年前,我还在上大学,当时我在学校自然历史博物馆里实习。有一天,当我在赠品店的收银机那里忙活时,看到一对年迈的夫妇,推着一辆轮椅走了进来,轮椅上坐了个小女孩。About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as a


A little girl's dream
Dreams keep running through my mindReflecting memories of long ago.Made in a land of fairy tales,A place my heart longs for so.Cut off from the rest of the worldWith streams, and meadows to roam,Viewed from a little girl's eyes,A place that


Girls of summer 夏日女孩
We lived on the banks of the Tennessee River, and we owned the summers when we were girls. We ran wild through humid(潮湿的,湿润的) summer days that never ended but only melted one into the other. We floated down rivers of weekdays with


I wish you were my little girl
Recently, I heard a touching story which illustrates(阐明,说明) the power that words have to change a life -- a power that lies right in the hands of those reading this article. Mary had grown up knowing that she was different from the o


Advice for Good Little Girls
Good little girls ought not to make mouths at their teachers for every trifling offense. This kind of retaliation(报复,反击) should only be resorted to under peculiarly aggravating circumstances.If you have nothing but a rag doll stuffed


When we were girls
We lived on the banks of the Tennessee River, and we owned the summers when we were girls. We ran wild through humid(潮湿的) summer days that never ended but only melted one into the other. We floated down rivers of weekdays with no schoo


A little Girl
Sitting on a grassy grave, beneath one of the windows of the church, was a little girl. With her head bent back she was gazing up at the sky and singing, while one of her little hands was pointing to a tiny cloud that hovered like a golden


Staring Me In The Face <3>
"You left it in the lift," he said. "May I sit down?" His voice was soft. Cultivated. What could I say? The tables were all pretty full so I nodded. He began to eat. I'd always thought he picked at his food. But as I watched, I no


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