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美国疾病控制与预防中心称,今年的流感季节比过去十年更加严重 - Flu season this year more severe than those of last decade: U.S. CDC


中国顶级流行病学家称,来年冬天全球面临流感和新冠肺炎合并流行的风险 - World faces risk of combined epidemic of influenza and COVID-19


卫生专家担心美国流感、新冠肺炎和呼吸道合胞病毒的三重威胁。 - Health experts concerned over triple threat of flu, COVID, RSV in U.


世界卫生组织强调疫苗随着流感季节加剧,新冠肺炎潜伏 - WHO stresses vaccines as flu season ramps up, COVID lurks
疫苗接种仍然是抗击流感和新冠肺炎的最有效工具之一,世界卫生组织(WHO)欧洲区域办事处敦促所有符合条件的人尽快接种流感和新冠肺炎增强疫苗。“随着新冠肺炎和季节性流感的共同传播,包括老年人、免疫缺陷者、孕妇和新生儿在内的弱势人群的健康面临更大的风险,”世界卫生组织区域主任Hans Kluge博士在


柬埔寨首条中资高速公路引发沿海省份游客涌入:PM - 1st Chinese-invested expressway in Cambodia sparks tourist influx to coas
柬埔寨总理洪森(Samdech Techo Hun Sen)周一表示,自10月1日向公众免费开放试运行以来,柬埔寨第一条高速公路上已经行驶了约20万辆汽车。这条高速公路由中国路桥公司投资,耗资20亿美元的金边-西哈努克高速公路连接首都金边和深海港口省柏西哈努克省。“这对西哈努克省Preah Sihanouk居民有好处,因为很多人都去过那里,旅游


在越来越多的寻求庇护者涌入之际,纽约市宣布进入紧急状态 - New York City declares state of emergency amid rising influx of asylum
纽约市市长埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)周五宣布进入紧急状态,以应对主要来自美国南部边境的创纪录的寻求庇护者涌入纽约市。周五发布了一项行政命令,正式指示该市所有相关机构协调努力,应对寻求庇护者的人道主义危机,并临时建立人道主义救济中心。紧急状态应持续30天,并可


Ministry slams U.S. report on China's CEE influence
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning dismissed on Monday a series of reports published by a Washington-based think tank that label Chinese


Sinovac initiates clinical trial for quadrivalent influenza vaccine in Chile
Sinovac Biotech Ltd, a biopharmaceutical product provider in China, announced on Tuesday that a phase-3 clinical trial for its inactivated q


Chinese scientists identify evolution of H5N1 avian influenza virus
A Chinese research team has systematically identified the origin, evolution, and propagation of the H5N1 virus, which has caused avian influ


U.S. starts trial on potential universal flu vaccine
The Phase 1 clinical trial of a novel influenza vaccine has begun inoculating healthy adult volunteers at the U.S. National Institutes of He


Spike in flu cases puzzles experts
A mysterious jump in influenza cases in some southern provinces has stoked concerns, prompting experts to call for expanding flu vaccination


U.S. border town braces for influx of migrants as partisan fights rage on
It's a scene most people would usually see in Mission: Impossible -- a helicopter hovers at low altitude above a roadside jungle; several of


Fluctuations observed in wind, solar resources
China's wind and solar resources fluctuated mildly last year, with wind resources slightly above the previous 10-year average and solar slig


China's economy maintains sound momentum despite fluctuations
Despite mounting domestic and external uncertainties, China's economy continues to progress with a sound momentum, an official told Xinhua i


COVID-19 still not same as flu: report
Some evidence shows that COVID-19 is seasonal, but the virus is far from ordinary, and it's still not the same as the flu, CNN reported on W


Virus highly infectious, but unlike flu
Dynamic zero-COVID strategy brings best outcomes at lowest cost, expert saysThe Omicron strain of the COVID-19 virus should not be treated l


Major fire damages commercial building in New York's Flushing Chinatown
A commercial building in Flushing Chinatown of New York City suffered serious damage from a 5-alarm fire on Thursday morning.Fire broke out


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