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女性是否真的比男性更怕冷?真相是……Study reveals whether women actually feel cold more than men


行政长官:国泰航空机组人员无礼行为伤害香港及内地人民感情 - CE: Cathay crewmembers' disrespectful behavior hurt feelings of
香港首席执行官John Lee(John Lee Ka-chiu)表示,国泰航空集团乘务员对大陆乘客的无礼言行伤害了香港和中国大陆人民的感情,破坏了香港一贯的尊重和礼貌价值观。在一篇网络病毒帖子中,一位普通话、英语、,广东人详细描述了三名乘务员如何反复用英语和粤语抱怨不会说英语的乘客


中国企业对SVB的失败影响有限;专家警告全球风险 - Chinese firms feel limited impact from SVB's failure; experts warn o


GBA银行通过新措施感受繁荣 - Banks in GBA to feel boom with new measures


亚洲感受到美国通胀斗争的压力 - Asia feels the heat of U.S. inflation fight


大学生对国会印象深刻 - University students feel impressed by congress


Biden remains positive for COVID-19 but 'continues to feel well': doctor
U.S. President Joe Biden remained positive for COVID-19 on Sunday but "continues to feel well," his physician said.White House physician Dr.


U.S. restaurant owners feel crunch as inflation takes toll on consumer spending: media
Many restaurant owners across the United States are feeling the strain of soaring inflation rates, as about 84 percent of consumers plan to


青春常在Feeling of Youth
No young man believes he shall ever die. It was a saying of my brother’s, and a fine one. There is a feeling of Eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything. To be young is to be as one of the Immortal Gods. One half of time inde


英语美文 7 Steps Toward Love
Is your life ruled by love or by fear? Love and fear are opposite emotional attitudes that shape our life in very different ways. The psychoanalyst John McMurray describes the difference like this:"The fear-determined have no sun in themsel


I like the subtle feeling
I like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree -- the herald(先驱) of spring, ushering in(领进) the dawn...I like the subtle flow of cloud that makes the sky seem even more vast, azure(蔚蓝的) and immense...I like


Feeling of Youth
No young man believes he shall ever die. It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. There is a feeling of Eternity(来世,不朽) in youth, which makes us amend for everything. To be young is to be as one of the Immortal Gods. One half


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