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教育部支持英语学习 - Education ministry backs English learning


English education meeting kicks off
China's English language education system is propelling the development of global foreign language education with enhanced mutual connectivi


English version of HK chronicles launched
The launch of the first volume of the English edition of the Hong Kong Chronicles was held at Government House in Hong Kong on Wednesday.Two


Hong Kong launches English version of 1st volume of local chronicles
The Hong Kong Chronicles Institute on Wednesday launched the English version of the first volume of the Hong Kong Chronicles, a book series


English translation of China's Civil Code published
The English translation of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China has been published by U.S. publishers, offering readers worldwid


5个tips,英语说得更漂亮!5 tips to improve your spoken English
英语口语语法和书面语法不大一样,是学习者容易忽视和感到困惑的地方。一起来看看下面五个语法要点吧。 [Photo/Pexels] 1.口语中的句子结构 It’s


The English character
The English seem as silent as the Japanese, yet vainer than the inhabitants of Siam. Upon my arrival I attributed that reserve to modesty, which, I now find, has its origin in pride. Condescend to address them first, and you are sure of the


The English humour
Fun seems to be the possession of the English race. Fun is JohnBulll's idea of humour, and there is no intellectualjudgment in fun. Everybody understands it be-cause it is practical. More than that, it unites allclasses and sweetens even po
