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U、 CDC称美国枪支死亡人数创历史新高 - U.S. gun deaths hit record high: CDC
美国疾病控制和预防中心最近的一份报告显示,涉及枪支的谋杀和自杀在美国创下历史新高。CDC卫生官员周四报告称,从2020年到2021,枪支杀人率和枪支自杀率都增加了8%以上。更具体地说,2021 81%的杀人案和55%的自杀案涉及使用枪支,而2020年分别为79%和53%


U、 美国前警察因乔治·弗洛伊德之死被判处3年监禁 - U.S. former police officer sentenced to 3 years for death of George Floy
周三,明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市前警官托马斯·莱恩(Thomas Lane)因参与非洲裔美国人乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)死亡案,被判处三年监禁。今年5月,莱恩承认协助和教唆二级过失杀人罪。今年2月,他与另外两名前明尼阿波利斯警察一起,因杀害弗洛伊德而被指控犯有联邦民权罪。莱恩在科罗拉多州利特尔顿的一所联邦监狱服刑两年半。作为p


世界卫生组织警告随着死亡人数下降,新冠肺炎感染的未来浪潮 - WHO warns future waves of COVID-19 infection as deaths drop
世界卫生组织(WHO)周三表示,预计未来会出现冠状病毒疫情,世界各国政府需要保持警惕,随时应对可能出现的任何威胁。世界卫生组织总干事特德罗斯·阿达诺姆·盖布雷耶苏斯(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)周三在这里举行的新闻发布会上说:“在结束这场流行病方面,我们处于前所未有的有利地位。”。据世界卫生组织称,在9月5日至11日这一周,全球每周新增病例数比前一周减少了28%


美国首例猴痘死亡病例在加利福尼亚州得到确认,全国报告近22000例 - First U.S. monkeypox death confirmed in California as nearly 22,


中国对英国女王伊丽莎白二世逝世表示哀悼 - China expresses condolences over death of Queen Elizabeth II


Xi就英国女王伊丽莎白二世逝世向英国国王查理三世表示哀悼 - Xi sends condolences to British King Charles III over death of Queen


联合国秘书长对英国女王逝世感到悲痛 - UN chief saddened by death of British Queen


女王的死标志着伊丽莎白时代的结束 - Queen's death marks end of Elizabethan era


China to provide another 300 million yuan aid to flood-ravaged Pakistan as flood death toll surpasse
China announced another 300 million yuan (roughly $43 million) of aid to Pakistan after the emergency relief supplies worth of 100 million y


China expresses condolences over death of Gorbachev
China has expressed condolences over the death of former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said


Chinese court upholds death sentence of U.S. citizen convicted of murder
A Chinese court on Thursday rejected the appeal of Shadeed Abdulmateen, an American national, who was sentenced to death in April this year


Death toll rises to 16 in northwest China flood
The death toll from a mountain torrent disaster triggered by heavy rain in northwest China's Qinghai Province has risen to 16 as of Thursday


Deaths of Independence Day parade shooting in Chicago suburb rise to 7
The death toll of a massive shooting during an Independence Day parade in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park on Monday has risen to seven,


Australia surpasses 10,000 COVID-19 deaths
Australia has surpassed 10,000 coronavirus deaths as COVID-19 case numbers continue to rise in the country, with 30 more deaths reported on


Death toll rises to 53 from human-trafficking tragedy in U.S. Texas
The death toll of migrants found on Monday inside a sweltering 18-wheeler in San Antonio, a major city in south central U.S. state Texas, ha


U.S. Texas 18-wheeler migrant death toll rises to 51, driver in custody, 2 charged
Another migrant died Tuesday at a local hospital, pushing the death toll of migrants found Monday inside a sweltering 18-wheeler in San Anto


Death toll of migrants found inside 18-wheeler in U.S. Texas rises to 50
The death toll of migrants found on Monday inside a "cloned" and abandoned 18-wheeler in San Antonio, a major city in south central U.S. sta


Study finds coffee linked to lower risk of death
Moderate consumption of coffee, whether unsweetened or sugar-sweetened, was associated with lower risk of death, according to research by a


Too many guns lead to too many deaths in U.S.: report
There have been 213 mass shootings in the first 21 weeks of 2022 in the United States, including 27 school shootings and up to approximately


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