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英国最高法院反对苏格兰独立投票 - UK top court rules against Scottish independence vote bid
英国最高法院周三裁定,苏格兰无权在未经英国议会批准的情况下举行新的独立公投。英国最高法院院长罗伯特·里德(Robert Reed)表示:“苏格兰议会无权为苏格兰独立公投立法。”。2014年举行的公投表明,选民拒绝苏格兰独立,但苏格兰民族主义者认为,随后的脱欧是苏格兰多数选民的选择


美国最高法院允许国会小组获得特朗普的纳税申报单 - U.S. Supreme Court allows congressional panel to obtain Trump's tax r
美国最高法院周二驳回了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)提出的上诉,该上诉旨在保护他的纳税申报单不受国会小组的审查。该命令是对特朗普的律师上月向高等法院提起的上诉的回应。此前,一家下级法院拒绝撤销其要求特朗普向民主党领导的众议院筹款委员会提交纳税记录的裁决。众议院民主党人多年来一直在寻求获取特朗普的纳税申报表,以获取他们的一项相关调查


更多初级法院对涉外民事、商事案件拥有管辖权 - More primary courts to have jurisdiction over foreign-related civil, commerc


U、 美国最高法院听取关于在大学招生中使用平权行动的辩论 - U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on use of affirmative action in co


Chinese court upholds death sentence of U.S. citizen convicted of murder
A Chinese court on Thursday rejected the appeal of Shadeed Abdulmateen, an American national, who was sentenced to death in April this year


29 defendants in Hong Kong plead guilty to subversion: HK court
A total of 29 defendants, including Joshua Wong Chi-fung, an instigator of the Hong Kong riots, on Thursday pleaded guilty to the charge of


居家办公时从卧室走到书房摔倒受伤,法院:属通勤,算工伤Fall on walk from bed to desk is workplace accident, German court rules
员工在居家办公期间受伤算工伤吗?近日,德国一家法院裁定,算。 据英国《卫报》报道,德国一名男子居家办公期间,在从床走向家中办公桌的路上不小心滑倒摔伤背部。法院


U.S. Department of Justice asks court to unseal search warrant for Mar-a-Lago raid
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a motion on Thursday to unseal the search warrant for former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago


Yunnan courts help resolve elephant disputes
A judicial team formed earlier this year has helped resolve a number of human-elephant conflicts in Southwest China's Yunnan, a province hom


EU court confirms broadcasting ban on Russia
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) rejected on Wednesday a request by Russian state news network RT (Russia Today) France to lift a broadca


New York passes new law after U.S. Supreme Court ruling on gun-carrying in public
New York State Governor Kathy Hochul on Friday signed into law a bill restricting concealed carry weapons in response to a recent ruling by


Chinese courts conclude over 260,000 environmental, resource cases in 2021
Chinese courts nationwide concluded 265,341 environmental and resource cases in 2021, up 4.76 percent year on year, according to a report re


Myanmar court sentences Aung San Suu Kyi to 5 years in prison
A Myanmar court on Wednesday sentenced former leader Aung San Suu Kyi to five years in prison after finding her guilty of taking a bribe.The


British court approves extradition of Julian Assange to U.S.
Britain's Westminster Magistrate's Court issued a formal order on Wednesday to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United Stat


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