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China issues first safety certificate for plant gene editing - China issues first safety certificate
China's first safety certificate for plant gene editing has been issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MOA) recently, approving that gene editing in China has entered the fast lane for the sector's development and industrializ


RCEP证书有助于削减900万美元的中国商品关税 - RCEP certificates help cut $9 million in tariffs on Chinese goods


China issues over 2.71 mln certificates of origin from January-July
Over 2.71 million certificates of origin were issued by Chinese authorities during the first seven months of the year, involving 233.31 bill


Premier Li grants appointment certificate to John Lee as HKSAR chief executive
Premier Li Keqiang granted the official certificate of appointment to John Lee as the sixth-term chief executive of Hong Kong Special Admini
