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比尔·盖茨:中国可以为应对全球挑战做出独特贡献 - Bill Gates: China can make unique contributions to global challenges
微软联合创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)呼吁人类加强合作,应对全球挑战,同时强调中国将能够通过分享技术和经验教训做出独特贡献。盖茨在周五举行的2023年中关村论坛会议上通过视频链接发表演讲说,尽管人类社会已经解决了新冠肺炎疫情等问题,气候变化、地区冲突和其他挑战,他仍然对未来和贝尔保持乐观


Zibo city GDP reaches $15.3 billion in Q1 - Zibo city GDP reaches $15.3 billion in Q1
(ECNS) -- According to the Statistics Bureau of Zibo City in East China’s Shandong Province, its GDP reached 105.77 billion yuan($15.3 billion) in the first quarter, with a year-on-year increase of 4.7 percent.Among them, recovery momentum of the consumer


Two-way investment between China, CEEC reaches nearly $20 billion - Two-way investment between China
(ECNS) -- Since the establishment of the China - Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) cooperation mechanism in 2012, economic and trade cooperation between the two sides has made significant progress, said Li Fei, vice-minister of commerce at a p


2nd phase of Canton Fair secures over $4.5 billion export deals - 2nd phase of Canton Fair secures o
(ECNS) -- Thursday marks the last day of the second phase of the 133rd Canton Fair. A total of 815,000 people have visited the fair while the export transaction volume exceeded 4.5 billion U.S. dollars, said a spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce (MOC


Florida anti-China bill draws spirited protest in state capital - Florida anti-China bill draws spir
More than 100 people, primarily Chinese Americans and Chinese residing in Florida, appeared at the Florida House of Representatives in Tallahassee to testify against a specific section of a bill that would prohibit both Chinese entities and individual cit


Bills aim to ban China from buying farmland in US - Bills aim to ban China from buying farmland in U
The Senate of the U.S. state of Florida has unanimously passed a bill that bans seven countries, including China, from purchasing farmland in the state.If signed by the governor, the bill, SB 264, specifically will prohibit the Chinese government, entitie


China to update COVID-19 medical bill reimbursement policies - China to update COVID-19 medical bill
Medical bills for the treatment of COVID-19 will be reimbursed by China's health insurance fund in the same manner as other Class B infectious diseases, according to a circular released by Chinese authorities on Thursday.The circular was jointly rele


U.S. bill called move to hamper China - U.S. bill called move to hamper China
The United States House of Representatives' unanimous passage of a bill on Monday calling for revocation of China's "developing country" status shows that Washington, driven by a zero-sum mentality, intends to hamper China's growt


Anti-China bills pile up in Texas Legislature - Anti-China bills pile up in Texas Legislature
Republican lawmakers in Texas continue to propose legislative bills in the name of national security to single out China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and impose more restrictions.The latest is HB 2206, which would ban all social media platforms in the st


China's tax refunds, cuts for foreign trade companies in 2022 hit over $40 billion - China'
(ECNS) -- China supports all enterprises to enjoy various types of tax preferential policies and tax reduction and tax refund for foreign trade companies last year reached 285 billion yuan(around $41.35 billion), said Yu Jianhua, director-general of China


中国网民数量增至10.6亿;互联网可用率达到75.6% - Number of Chinese netizens rises to 1.06 billion; internet availabilit


基本医疗保险基金用于支付中国药店账单 - Basic medical insurance funds to cover drugstore bills in China


中国2022年国内粮食采购量估计为4000亿公斤 - China's 2022 domestic grain purchases estimated at 400 billion kg
据国家粮食和战略储备局(National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration)称,中国2022年国内粮食采购量预计将达到8000亿斤或4000亿公斤,与往年持平,为稳定全球粮食市场和确保粮食安全作出了积极贡献,《国家粮食和战略研究》指出,秋粮的采购正在有序进行


广州RCEP惠及100多亿元商品 - Over 10 billion yuan of goods benefit from RCEP in Guangzhou


海南冬季农业博览会吸引近30亿美元订单 - Winter agriculture fair in Hainan attracts nearly $3 billion order


苏州商务代表团收到近60亿美元的欧洲投资意向 - Suzhou business delegation receives nearly $6 billion Europe investment int


美国国会不顾批评通过了大规模军事开支法案 - U.S. Congress passes massive military spending bill despite criticism


美国众议院将国防资金法案提交参议院审议 - U.S. House sends defense funding bill to Senate for consideration


美国前总统比尔·克林顿的新冠肺炎检测呈阳性 - Former U.S. President Bill Clinton tests positive for COVID-19
美国前总统比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)周三表示,他已检测出新冠肺炎(COVID-19)呈阳性。现年76岁的林顿在推特上表示,他正在经历“轻度症状”,但总体情况良好,同时仍在家忙碌。他呼吁“每个人都要这样做,尤其是在我们进入冬季的时候。”


中国VR产业的目标是到2026年超过480亿美元 - China's VR industry aims to exceed $48 billion by 2026


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