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CPC Central Committee, State Council congratulate Chinese delegation on Winter Paralympics achieveme
The Communist Party of China Central Committee and China's State Council have sent a congratulatory message to the Chinese delegation for it


Program launched to treat water erosion in 1,500-year-old grottoes
Cultural relics experts have begun a program to treat water erosion in the Xumishan Grottoes dating back over 1,500 years in northwest China


NPC deputy celebrates Int'l Women's Day with special embroidery
(ECNS) -- A female NPC deputy from southwest China's Guizhou Province shared a gift with other female deputies to celebrate International Wo


Chinese scientists create fertile mouse without father
Chinese scientists bred a live rodent offspring derived from a single unfertilized oocyte, and the mouse grew into a fertile adult.A new lif


Chinese PLA cooperates with militaries of over 50 countries in COVID-19 fight: spokesperson
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has played an active role in the global fight against COVID-19 while fully supporting domestic ep


DPRK to launch more reconnaissance satellites to space
Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), said his country will launch multiple military reconnaissance s


China to build on good business climate
China is expected to further improve the business climate, unleashing more market vitality and adding resilience to the economy, and thereby


立完新年flag,如何高效达成目标?请收下这份攻略5 science-based strategies for nailing your New Year's resolutions
你的2022新年计划是什么? 每当又一个新年来临,人们总要设定提升自己的目标。他们发誓要减肥,学习一项新技能,或者读30本书,但最终能实现的目标却少得可怜。


世卫组织:人类将在2022年战胜新冠疫情Covid-19: WHO chief optimistic disease will be beaten in 2022


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