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China urges fair U.S. policies to grow bilateral trade
China has urged the United States to adopt rational and pragmatic economic and trade policies to meet it halfway to support the healthy and


Xi chairs CPC leadership meeting on plane crash emergency response
The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Thursday held a meeting to hear a


Beijing, Zhangjiakou see better air quality during winter games
China has fulfilled its pledge to ensure better air quality during the Olympics and Paralympics period in Beijing and the co-host city of Zh


Russia's airstrike hits oil depot in Ukraine's northwest
Russia's airstrike hit an oil depot in Ukraine's northwestern Rivne region on Monday, the head of the regional military administration Vital


Chinese FM to chair 3rd meeting of foreign ministers of countries neighboring Afghanistan
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will host the third meeting of foreign ministers of the countries neighboring Afghanist


Pakistan Air Force inducts 6 Chinese J-10CE jets
The deployment of the China-built J-10CE fighter jet will give a significant boost to the Pakistan Air Force's combat capability and diversi


韩总统候选人拉票新招:医保管脱发,脱发成大选前热门话题South Korea should fund hair loss treatment, says election hopeful in bal


郑渊洁“说话严谨”上热搜,网友:他的评论区好有趣Chinese “Fairy King” goes vrial on social media
最近,“童话大王”郑渊洁在社交媒体上火了。他因为在评论区和网友的有爱互动,频繁登上热搜。 郑渊洁这个名字几乎存在于每个80后和部分90后的童年里,这位“童话大王


挺“秃”然的!我国超2.5亿人受脱发困扰,过半数植发者是90后Post-90s main hair transplant consumers
来自国家卫健委发布的数据显示,中国已经有超过2.5亿人正饱受脱发的困扰,平均每6人中就有1人脱发,大批90后也已经加入到脱发的阵营中来。 More than 2


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