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中国奥运会举重冠军对ITA的积极报道感到惊讶 - Chinese Olympic champion weightlifter astonished at positive ITA report


张艺谋夺回UFC草量级金牌,阿德桑亚下台 - Zhang regains UFC strawweight gold, Adesanya dethroned
在一张动作丰富的UFC 281卡中,中国选手张伟丽重回女子稻草组冠军,与两届冠军得主卡拉·埃斯帕尔扎(Carla Esparza)重夺冠军,而在主要赛事中,亚历克斯·佩里埃拉(Alex Periera)击败了中量级拳王以色列·阿德桑亚(Israel Adesanya)。“我有很多方法来完成这场战斗,屈服只是其中之一,”张在周六成为第三位夺回草量级腰带的UFC女拳手后说道。“今天我的梦想成真了,我又回来了,”张说,表达了我的感激之情


英国国王查理三世在议会演讲中谈到“历史的分量” - Britain's King Charles III speaks of 'weight of history' in


IMF lifts weighting of RMB, dollar in SDR currency basket
The International Monetary Fund announced Saturday an increase in the weighting of the Chinese renminbi and U.S. dollar in the Special Drawi


Chinese weightlifter Lyu to be awarded Rio Olympic gold medal
China's Lyu Xiaojun is expected to claim a third Olympic weightlifting gold medal after 2016 Rio Olympic title winner Nijat Rahimov of Kazak


A Woman's Tears
"Why are you crying?” he asked his Mom."Because I'm a woman.” she told him."I don't understand,” he said.His Mom just hugged him and said,"And you never will”..."Later the little boy asked his father,"Why does mothe
