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BBC推荐:2021年佳片前瞻(上)10 films to watch in 2021 (partⅠ)
2020年没能看到的大片,2021年将会统统补给你。《007:无暇赴死》、《沙丘》、《寂静之地2》……这注定是电影精彩不断的一年。 Credit: Warner


BBC推荐:2021年佳片前瞻(下)10 films to watch in 2021 (partⅡ)
2020年没能看到的大片,2021年将会统统补给你。《007:无暇赴死》、《沙丘》、《寂静之地2》……这注定是电影精彩不断的一年。 BBC推荐:2021年佳片前


Dance Like No One Is Watching
“ Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching.” --- Satchel Paige What a great philosophy to travel through life’s journey with! It was interesting to receive this quote in an


Watch the world go by与世界擦身而过
我们大多数人,难以静静地坐下来,看着这个世界,与这个世界擦身而过。为什么不呢?有什么重要的事不能延后吗?是什么电子邮件一定要此刻回?我们的灵魂忙碌奔波时,生活就会离我们远去。我们不断地思考未来,错过了身边美丽的风景。I was sitting outside my


Watch the world go by
I was sitting outside my new home yesterday (we just moved last week, and we love the new place), watching the world go by.  There were people in cars, in a hurry to get to their next appointment. There were birds flying by, insects just


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