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Astronomers reveal first image of M87 black hole and subatomic particle jet - Astronomers reveal fir
An international team led by Chinese astronomers has unveiled a new image of the supermassive black hole at the center of elliptical galaxy Messier 87, or M87, featuring its accretion disk and the powerful jet of subatomic particles being ejected from the


Chinese customs seize 362 endangered wildlife products - Chinese customs seize 362 endangered wildli
Shenyang Customs in northeast China's Liaoning Province said they have seized 362 endangered wildlife products from parcels shipped from overseas.The confiscated items include four tridacna products weighing 130 grams, 94 hawksbill turtle products we


Mainland notice concerning space activities a customary practice: Taiwan Affairs Office - Mainland n
The Chinese mainland's recent notice concerning space activities was intended to warn air traffic service departments and airspace users of the possible effects of the activities -- a "responsible and customary practice to ensure flight safety,&


Independent Customs operations to boost Hainan FTP - Independent Customs operations to boost Hainan
At a news conference in late March during the annual Boao Forum for Asia, Hainan province announced that Hainan Free Trade Port will start the preparatory work this year for achieving independent Customs operations by 2025, triggering a big wave of online


Nearly 70% Chinese sweep tombs in environmentally-friendly way - Nearly 70% Chinese sweep tombs in e
(ECNS) -- Data from Chinese authorities shows that about 10.4 million visitors swept tombs in an environmentally-friendly way on Qingming Festival, which fell on Wednesday this year, accounting for 69.45 percent of the total number of people who paid thei


China's Tibet discovers earliest cave tomb built 3,000 yrs ago - China's Tibet discovers e
Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region has recently found the region's hitherto earliest cave tomb dating back to over 3,000 years in Gyelsang cemetery site of Nedong District in Shannan City.The cave tomb was built around 1200 BC, according


China to formulate key automotive chip standards by 2025 - China to formulate key automotive chip st
China aims to formulate more than 30 key automotive chip standards by 2025 in its latest push to accelerate the development of its homegrown semiconductor industry, according to a draft released by the country's top industry regulator.The draft was p


Chinese customs continues severe crackdown on smuggling: official - Chinese customs continues severe
(ECNS) -- China will continue to maintain a high-pressure stance in cracking down on smuggling, especially that of finished oil, foreign garbage, firearms, and drugs, said Yu Jianhua, director-general of China's General Administration of Customs.&quo


新疆墓葬出土3500年骨冰鞋 - 3,500-year-old bone ice skates unearthed in Xinjiang tomb


中国深化海关合作促进大湾区发展 - China deepens customs cooperation to facilitate growth of Greater Bay Area


2022年中国汽车工业稳步增长 - China's automobile industry registers steady expansion in 2022
2022年,中国汽车行业实现了稳定增长,收入和利润同比增长。据中国汽车工业协会(China Association of automobile Manufacturers)的数据,该行业公司的总收入接近9.29万亿元人民币(约合1.37万亿美元),同比增长6.8%。该行业的总利润为5319.6亿元人民币,比2021增长0.6%。增长率比制造业整体高出14个百分点


中国西北部出土的唐代墓葬 - Tang Dynasty tombs unearthed in NW China


Xi将于2023年敲响警钟,他强调努力工作,团结一致,让明天的中国变得更加美好 - Ringing in 2023, Xi stresses hard work, unity to make tomo


中国将不再公布无症状病例数字:NHC - China will no longer release the figure of asymptomatic cases: NHC


无症状携带者,轻度病例建议居家隔离 - Asymptomatic carriers, mild cases advised to quarantine at home


病毒控制以缓解症状为重点 - Virus control to focus on alleviating symptoms


FAST发现宇宙中最大的原子云 - FAST spots universe's most vast atom cloud


中国FAST望远镜观测到巨大的原子气体结构 - China's FAST telescope spots huge atomic gas structure


首个自动驾驶测试场景的国际标准首次亮相 - First Int'l standard for automated driving test scenarios makes debut


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