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七国集团被视为对地区稳定构成真正威胁 - G7 stand seen as posing real threat to regional stability
美国领导的七国集团划定的分界线将使全球环境复杂化:专家表示,美国领导的八国集团的对抗性做法和分界线将进一步使国际环境复杂化,并对地区稳定构成真正威胁,独立智库亚洲视觉研究所所长Chheang Vannarith表示,地缘政治和地缘经济的分裂


区域增长、稳定和一体化将得到提振 - Regional growth, stability, integration set for boost


学生追求工作的稳定性,而不是灵活性 - Students seek stability in jobs, not flexibility


China to help Afghanistan realize peace, stability at early date: Chinese FM - China to help Afghani
China is ready to help Afghanistan realize self-reliance, peace, stability, development and prosperity at an early date, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Saturday.While meeting with Amir Khan Muttaqi, acting foreign minister o


Sino-Japanese dialogue key to regional, global stability - Sino-Japanese dialogue key to regional, g
Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi's visit to China earlier this month, the first by a top Japanese diplomat in three years, came at a time of challenges as well as opportunities for China-Japan relations.Tokyo has been closely following Was


China willing to work with Russia on global security, stability - China willing to work with Russia
China is willing to work with Russia to make new contributions to maintaining world and regional security and stability,State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu said on Sunday while meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.During the meet


Iran says rapprochement with Saudi Arabia to positively impact on regional peace, stability - Iran s
The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said Monday that the resumption of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia will have positive impacts on regional peace, stability and security, Iranian official news agency IRNA reported.Making the remark


AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation seriously jeopardizes peace, stability in Asia-Pacific: embassy
The United States, Britain and Australia have been pressing ahead with nuclear submarine cooperation despite being widely questioned, which creates nuclear proliferation risks and undermines the international non-proliferation system, the Chinese Embassy


China's service sector expands, still room for stability - China's service sector expands,
China's services sector activity expanded for a third straight month in March amid further recovery in business activity with the optimized COVID-19 containment measures, a private survey showed on Thursday.The Caixin China General Services Purchasin


Migrating up industrial chain key to stability - Migrating up industrial chain key to stability
Strengthened cooperation with ASEAN demonstrates nation's lasting resilienceChinese companies should focus on integrating their overseas investments with the development of global industrial and supply chains, particularly in areas where China has a


Xi's Russia visit promotes global strategic stability - Xi's Russia visit promotes global
Cooperation: Visit boosts Sino-Russian economic tiesPresident Xi Jinping wrapped up his three-day state visit to Russia on Wednesday, a trip of special significance in boosting bilateral ties and promoting global strategic stability amid the ongoing Ukrai


Palestinians, Israelis agree to de-escalate tension, advance peace, stability - Palestinians, Israel
The Palestinian National Authority and Israel reaffirmed their commitment on Sunday to advancing security, stability and peace for both Palestinians and Israelis.According to a communique released after a meeting between officials from the two sides, Egyp


中国中央政府将保持香港、澳门的持久繁荣与稳定:报告 - Chinese central gov't to maintain lasting prosperity, stability in


中国承诺采取有力措施确保就业稳定 - China vows solid measures to ensure employment stability


普京:军队稳定的保证人 - Putin: Army guarantor of stability
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)周四称俄罗斯军队是国家稳定的保证者,承诺将增加武器生产。在俄罗斯一年一度的祖国卫士节假期之际,普京在视频讲话中表示:“一支现代化、高效的军队和海军是国家安全和主权的保障,是国家稳定发展和未来的保障。”


FM发言人:美国对世界和平与稳定的破坏作用 - Destructive role U.S. has played to world peace, stability truly concerning:


中国承诺确保化肥供应和价格稳定 - China pledges to ensure fertilizer supply, price stability


中国特使敦促北约为世界和平与稳定作出积极贡献 - Chinese envoy urges NATO to contribute positively to world peace, stability


专家对今年价格总体稳定表示乐观 - Experts optimistic on overall price stability this year


李克强呼吁稳定增长和就业 - Li calls for stability in growth, employment


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