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联合国秘书长对韩国踩踏事件中的生命损失感到悲痛 - UN chief saddened by loss of life in South Korea stampede
联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯的发言人周日表示,他对周六在韩国首都首尔发生的致命踩踏事件深感悲痛。古特雷斯向遇难者家属以及韩国政府和人民表示诚挚慰问。发言人Stephane Dujarric在一份声明中表示,他希望伤者尽快康复。首尔Itaewon区大厅发生踩踏事件,造成至少154人死亡,103人受伤


联合国秘书长对委内瑞拉洪水、泥石流造成的生命损失感到悲痛 - UN chief saddened by loss of life in Venezuela floods, mudslides
联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)的发言人周三表示,他对委内瑞拉因暴雨季节造成的洪水和滑坡以及热带风暴的影响而导致数十人丧生和基础设施受损感到难过。秘书长向委内瑞拉政府和受洪水和山体滑坡影响的家庭表示最深切的哀悼,这些洪水和山崩影响了委内瑞拉各地的几个城镇,特别是北部的阿拉瓜州西


中国大使就中印关系提出4项建议 - Chinese ambassador puts forward 4 proposals on China-India relations


中国大使就中印关系提出4项建议 - Chinese ambassador puts forward 4 proposals on China-India relations


大使在美国农场工作一天 - Ambassador works on U.S. farm for a day


中国高级官员会见即将离任的俄罗斯驻华大使 - Senior Chinese official meets outgoing Russian ambassador to China


联合国秘书长对英国女王逝世感到悲痛 - UN chief saddened by death of British Queen


U.S. Ambassador again praises China's high-speed rail
(ECNS) -- U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns again praised China’s high-speed rail on his Twitter account during a trip on Thursday.Bur


China to weave stronger safety net for disadvantaged people
China strives to step up support to ensure the livelihood of people in difficulty, offering social assistance with more coverage and funds.T


Chinese Foreign Ministry refutes wrongful remarks by U.S. Ambassador to China concerning Taiwan regi
The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday refuted U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns' wrongful remarks concerning the Taiwan region, notin


Foreign ambassadors express firm support for one-China principle
In response to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's visit to China's Taiwan region, ambassadors to China from multipl


Chinese ambassador calls on U.S., UK to handle ties with China by showing respect
Chinese Ambassador to Britain Zheng Zeguang called on the United States and Britain to handle their ties with China by showing respect and a


Transcript of Ambassador Qin Gang's interview with the U.S. mainstream media
On August 16, Ambassador Qin Gang took a joint interview of the U.S. mainstream media in Washington DC, including Reuters, Associated Press,


New Chinese ambassador pledges to deepen cooperation, friendship with Rwanda
New Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda Wang Xuekun presented the Letter of Credence to Rwandan President Paul Kagame in Kigali, capital of Rwanda,


Ambassador, others decry Pelosi's 'reckless' trip to Taiwan
China's top envoy in Washington on Tuesday blasted U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan as "reckless and provocative", as forei


UK ambassador strongly condemns Pelosi's Taiwan visit
The top Chinese diplomat in the United Kingdom strongly condemns U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to China's Taiwan region, as the mo


China is a firm supporter of UN: Chinese UN ambassador
China is a firm supporter of the United Nations in its role in addressing global challenges, upholding peace and security, and promoting com


Ambassador Zheng Zeguang: Decoupling with China will be disastrous for UK businesses
On July 30, commenting on the news report about UK plc cutting ties with China as a reaction to tough talks on China by UK politicians, Amba


U.S. mulls plan to train Ukrainian military: U.S. ambassador
The United States is considering the possibility of providing training to the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government-run Ukrinform new


UN saddened by migrants found dead in U.S. Texas
"We were deeply saddened" to learn that dozens of migrants died in the trailer of an abandoned truck in San Antonio in the U.S. state of Tex


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