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No known asteroid impact threats for next 100 years: NASA - No known asteroid impact threats for nex
There will be no known asteroid impact threats for at least 100 years, according to NASA's new planetary defense plan.NASA released its Planetary Defense Strategy and Action Plan on Tuesday to guide the agency's efforts over the next decade.For


NASA's Juno mission completes 50 orbits around Jupiter - NASA's Juno mission completes 50
NASA's Juno mission has completed 50 orbits around Jupiter since the spacecraft arrived at the giant planet in 2016, according to NASA.Juno finished its 50th close pass by Jupiter on April 8, according to NASA updates on Monday. As the spacecraft orb


NASA, SpaceX to launch air quality instrument - NASA, SpaceX to launch air quality instrument
The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and SpaceX are targeting no earlier than 12:30 a.m. Eastern Time Friday to launch NASA's air quality monitoring instrument, the agency said on Thursday.The instrument, named TEMPO (Troposp


NASA's Webb telescope captures new image of Uranus - NASA's Webb telescope captures new im
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has taken a stunning image of the solar system's other ice giant, the planet Uranus, the agency said on Thursday.The new image features dramatic rings as well as bright features in the planet's atmosphere.T


NASA unveils 4-member crew for historic Artemis II moon mission - NASA unveils 4-member crew for his
NASA on Monday announced a 4-member crew for its Artemis II moon mission, the first crewed flight that paves the way for future lunar surface missions.The four astronauts are: Victor Glover, Christina Koch and Reid Wiseman of NASA, and Jeremy Hansen of th


NASA's Chandra observatory discovers wind effects of nearby galaxy - NASA's Chandra observ
A new study using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows the effects of powerful winds launched from the center of a nearby galaxy, NGC 253, located 11.4 million light-years from Earth.This galactic wind is composed of gas with temperatures of millio


NASA missions find Saturn's rings heating its atmosphere - NASA missions find Saturn's rin
Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's upper atmosphere, according to the latest discovery revealed by NASA on Thursday.The phenomenon has never before been seen in the solar system, said NASA.The discovery was made using 40 yea


NASA releases climate strategy - NASA releases climate strategy
NASA released its climate strategy on Wednesday in an effort to expand agency-wide efforts to counter climate challenges.The strategy assesses NASA's climate portfolio across the agency for the first time, extending beyond science and exploration eff


NASA's Mars helicopter set to hit new altitude record in new flight - NASA's Mars helicopt
NASA's Mars helicopter is preparing for a new flight this week, set to hit a new altitude record of about 16 meters, NASA said on Tuesday.The flight, the 49th of the helicopter on Mars, will take place no earlier than Wednesday. It is expected to fly


NASA's Mars helicopter completes 48 flights on Mars - NASA's Mars helicopter completes 48
NASA's Mars helicopter has completed 48 flights on the Red Planet, according to the agency.The 48th flight was completed this Tuesday, in which the rotorcraft reached an altitude of 12 meters and traveled 398 meters for 149.9 seconds, according to NA


NASA's Webb Telescope spots swirling, gritty clouds on remote planet - NASA's Webb Telesco
Researchers observing with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have pinpointed silicate cloud features in a distant planet's atmosphere, according to the agency.Cataloged as VHS 1256 b, the planet is about 40 light-years away and orbits two stars


美国宇航局追踪2046年撞击地球的小行星 - NASA tracks asteroid with small chance hitting Earth in 2046
NASA一直在追踪一颗名为2023 DW的新小行星,该小行星在2046年撞击地球的可能性“非常小”。NASA行星防御协调办公室在推特上写道:“通常当新天体首次被发现时,需要几周的数据才能减少不确定性,并充分预测其未来几年的轨道。”据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)称,随着更多数据的到来,小行星2023 DW于202年2月27日首次被探测到


美国国家航空航天局的好奇号探测车捕捉到火星上的第一缕阳光 - NASA's Curiosity rover captures first sun rays on Mars


美国宇航局,SpaceX将于3月2日进行下一次Crew-6发射尝试 - NASA, SpaceX target March 2 for next available Crew-6 launch att


美国宇航局钱德拉天文台在碰撞过程中发现巨大黑洞 - NASA's Chandra observatory discovers giant black holes on collision c


美国国家航空航天局(NASA)将SpaceX第六名宇航员的发射日期推迟至空间站 - NASA renews launch date for SpaceX sixth crew to space sta
美国国家航空航天局(NASA)已将SpaceX Crew-6任务的发射日期从2月26日(星期日)更新至2月27日(星期一)。据美国国家航空和航天局(美国航天局)称,发射定于美国东部时间星期一凌晨1时45分从美国东南部佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心39A发射中心发射升空,作为任务飞行准备审查(FRR)的一部分,于周二与


美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的SpaceX第六名宇航员准备周日发射到空间站 - NASA's SpaceX sixth crew prepare for launch to space s
美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的SpaceX crew-6国际空间站(ISS)飞行任务的机组人员已抵达美国东南部佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心,准备于2月26日(星期日)进行飞行,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)周二表示。此次发射定于美国东部时间2月26日凌晨2点07分从肯尼迪航天中心39A发射中心发射升空。这是美国宇航局与SpaceX公司一起执行的第六次宇航员轮换任务,也是“龙”飞船搭载人类的第七次飞行


美国宇航局将于2月晚些时候向空间站发射第六次机组人员轮换飞行 - NASA to launch sixth crew rotation flight to space station later Fe
NASA计划于2月26日向国际空间站(ISS)发射其SpaceX Crew-6任务。发射计划于美国东部时间2月26号凌晨2点07分从位于佛罗里达州的NASA肯尼迪航天中心39A发射场发射。该任务是NASA与SpaceX一起向空间站执行的第六次机组轮换任务,“龙”飞船第七次载人飞行。Crew-6任务将搭载美国国家航空航天局宇航员斯蒂芬·鲍恩和沃伦·“伍迪”·霍堡,以及联合航空航天局


美国宇航局称2022年是有记录以来第五温暖的一年 - NASA says 2022 is fifth warmest year on record amid warming trend


NASA的卫星发现了地球大小的世界 - NASA's satellite discovers Earth-size world
美国宇航局周二宣布,美国科学家利用美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS)的数据确定了一个地球大小的世界。这颗行星名为TOI 700 e,大小约为地球的95%,可能是岩石行星。天文学家此前在该系统中发现了三颗行星,分别称为TOI 700b、c和d。科学家们需要额外一年的TESS观测才能发现TOI 700 e。埃米尔说:“这是我们所知的仅有的几个拥有多颗小型宜居带行星的系统之一。”


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