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研究:喝咖啡可能有助于预防帕金森病Drinking coffee may help protect against Parkinson's, study says
喝咖啡不光具有提神醒脑的作用。一项研究通过长达多年的随访调查发现,喝咖啡的人比完全不喝咖啡的人患帕金森病的风险更低。 Photo/Pexels We know


坐姿懒散不会影响脊柱 但会影响记忆和心情Slouching isn’t bad for your spine, but may impact your memory
从小我们就被教育坐姿要端正,避免含胸驼背的懒散坐姿,但事实上,喜欢懒散坐姿的人还真不少。好消息是,近日根据The Conversation网站的报道,大量研究表


【双语财讯】铁路“五一”小长假预计发送旅客1.44亿人次China railway trips to reach 144 mln during May Day holiday


5月20日促进“汗水经济”繁荣 - May 20 promotes 'sweat economy' boom


Swap Connect to start northbound trade on May 15 - Swap Connect to start northbound trade on May 15
Northbound trading of the Swap Connect will kick off on May 15, which will facilitate access of overseas investors to onshore interest rate swaps, the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, said on Friday.Starting May 15, overseas i


May Day holiday sees nearly $130 million tax-free shopping in Hainan - May Day holiday sees nearly $
(ECNS) -- During the five-day May Day holiday, Haikou Customs recorded a total of 883 million yuan ($127.75 million) in duty-free shopping and 109,000 shopping trips in South China’s Hainan province, representing a year-on-year increase of 120 percent and


China to award 30 individuals, 19 groups May 4th Medals - China to award 30 individuals, 19 groups M
China on Wednesday announced plans to award 30 individuals and 19 groups and organizations the 27th edition of the national May 4th Medals to mark their contributions to the country in crucial fields including the military, space science and technology an


May Day holidays set to be 'most prosperous' - May Day holidays set to be 'most prosp
China's consumption has been firing on all cylinders during the just-ended May Day holidays, ranging from tourism, box office, transportation, entertainment to catering sectors. This year's five-day holidays are believed to have beaten the 2019


Tourism sector sees boom during May Day holiday - Tourism sector sees boom during May Day holiday
The nation's tourism market is expected to see its best post-COVID performance during the ongoing May Day holiday, said industry insiders, who added that it may also be a turning point in the recovery of the sector.Early on Friday — the day before th


Workers honored with May 1 Labor Medals - Workers honored with May 1 Labor Medals
China honored 1,035 workers with National May 1 Labor Medals on Thursday for their outstanding work performance and contributions to the nation's manufacturing and industrial development.According to a release by the All-China Federation of Trade Uni


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