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Romantic city - Paris
Ah, beautiful Paris. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world. The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there. When you visit Paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums and monume


Manage your time
Most of us would like to accomplish more than what we are able to in a day. How many times have you felt that it would be so much easier if you only had a few more extra hours in a day to complete the various tasks that you have on your pla


Five minutes to spare
No matter how busy you are, you could spend five minutes: To answer the telephone To read the morning paper To talk with a neighbor To dispute with the laundryman about a mistake To watch new furniture being unloaded next door To chat


As High As A Kite
I was sitting on the beach the other day watching a kite (In the shape of a two winged aircraft) flying high in the sky. It made wonderful acrobatic maneuvers as if piloted by a person with a lifetimes experience of flying. However, we all


Away in a Manger
One afternoon about a week before Christmas, my family of four piled into our minivan to run an errand, and this question came from a small voice in the back seat: "Dad," began my five-year-old son, Patrick, "how come I"ve never seen y


"Don Quijote" by Cervantes Saavedra  Much reading and book-learning can drive you to try and become one of the characters in your favorite novels.  This is what happens to Don Quixote, who attempts many chivalrous knightly acts while ha


A Solitary Human Voice
A SOLITARY HUMAN VOICEWe are air, we are not earth...-- M. Mamardashvili  I don't know what I should talk about -- about death or about love? Or are they the same? Which one should I talk about? We were newlyweds. We still walked around


Man Is Here For The Sake of Other Men
Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know that man is here for the sa


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