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Knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine improving in China - Knowledge of traditional Chinese medi
China's health literacy rate for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), an indicator of the public's knowledge, recognition, and trust in TCM, has seen steady growth over the past years, an official told a press conference on Thursday.The TCM liter


No known asteroid impact threats for next 100 years: NASA - No known asteroid impact threats for nex
There will be no known asteroid impact threats for at least 100 years, according to NASA's new planetary defense plan.NASA released its Planetary Defense Strategy and Action Plan on Tuesday to guide the agency's efforts over the next decade.For


美国敦促承认并解决其滥用武力对中美关系造成的损害:中国FM - U.S. urged to acknowledge, resolve the damage its abuse of force has


关于奥密克戎亚变体BQ.1和XBB你需要知道的事情 - Things you need to know about Omicron subvariants BQ.1 and XBB
随着一些海外国家出现更多奥密克戎新变种,中国也从输入病例中检测到BQ.1和XBB。这些菌株的毒力有多强?它们会引起新一波的感染吗?以下是中国专家的看法。问:BQ.1和XBB变体是什么?A: 中国疾病预防控制中心国家研究所所长徐文波表示,BQ.1和XBB是奥密克戎的新亚变异株,由于其传播力和免疫逃逸能力的增强,在欧洲和美国已成为主要变异株


惩罚知识流动的障碍 - Penalizing barriers to knowledge flow
国家市场监管总局已对中国知识信息门户处以8760万元人民币(1258万美元)的罚款,该门户是国内出版学术论文的在线资源。该罚款相当于CNKI 2021 17.5亿元销售额的5%。SAMR在经过7个月的调查后于周一宣布了这一决定。今年5月,SAMR对CNKI涉嫌滥用市场垄断展开调查。甚至在五月的调查之前


香港在国家支持下深化海洋知识 - HK deepens marine knowledge with nation's support


China steps up efforts to increase people's scientific knowledge
China has issued a guideline on facilitating the popularization of science to encourage innovation throughout society.Describing the propaga


关于圣诞树 你不知道的6件事6 facts you might not know about Christmas trees
欧美国家的人对圣诞树的香气都很熟悉,因为每年一到这个时候家家户户都会摆一棵营造气氛。关于圣诞树,人们有很多美好回忆,但是圣诞树的历史你了解吗? [Photo/P


Unknown liquid released on train near Japan's Tokyo, 2 girls hospitalized
An unknown liquid was released in a train on Friday in Japan's Chiba Prefecture, close to Tokyo, local media quoted investigators as saying.


China on alert to imported cases of acute hepatitis with unknown etiology
(ECNS) -- China's General Administration of Customs (GACC) has issued an action plan to national customs ports to prevent acute hepatitis in


Building collapses in central China, casualties unknown
A self-constructed residential building in central China's Hunan Province collapsed on Friday, local authorities said, adding that casualtie


China denounces U.S.'s 'prior knowledge' claim of Russian military operation in Ukrai
A Chinese military spokesperson Thursday denounced the claim that China had prior knowledge of Russia's military operation in Ukraine as dis


Asia's earliest known armored dinosaur from the Lower Jurassic found in SW China
(ECNS) -- A new taxon of armored dinosaur has been found by a vertebrate research team in southwestern China, according to an article releas


今日大寒:关于大寒的知识和习俗你了解多少?6 things you must know about Major Cold
大寒到顶端,日后天渐暖。大寒是二十四节气中的最后一个节气。关于大寒,你了解多少? Major Cold. [Photo/dpm.org.cn] Cold cur


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