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Keep Your Direction 坚持你的方向
What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your d


Love and Time 爱和时间
Love and TimeOnce upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all


A Goodbye Kiss-爸爸的道别之吻
The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob starred to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes.


如果 if - 迈克.杰克逊的墓志铭
IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;如果周围的人毫无理性地向你发难,你


Types of Friends
A Faraway Friend is someone you grew up with or went to school with or lived in the same town as until one of you moved


Indeed, for a living being there is no such thing as true silence, for silence itself is a revelation of the mind and th


in future将来  in the end最后  in a hurry匆忙地  in time in front of在前面  in the front在的前部  in future将


英语笑话:A thesis advisor 论文导师是谁
It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter. Along


奥运之歌:The Olympic Anthem
"Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victorsIn the race and in the strife!Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!"Kostas Palama, extract from the Olympic anthem.The Olympic anthem was composed by


河南 Henan Travel Guide
Highlight of Henan Province,Songshan Mountain lies southwest of Zhengzhou and it is one of the most famous mountains in China because of the rugged beauty of its peaks and the Bonsai-like appearance o


Feed Your Mind--美文欣赏
Since the pre-historic times, man has had an urge to satisfy his needs. Be it hunger, shelter or search for a mate, he has always manipulated the circumstances to the best of his advantages. Probably


国际英语新闻:Ukrainian parliament appoints Speaker as interim president
KIEV, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Ukrainian lawmakers on Sunday voted to hand over the duties of president to parliament Speaker


M-O-T-H-E-R——By Howard Johnson“M” is for the million things she gave me,“O” means only that she's growing old,“T” if for the tears she shed to save me,“H” is for her heart of purest gold,“E” is for he


双语阅读:What is success?
To laugh often and love much 笑口常开,爱心永在To win the respect of intelligent people 赢得智者的尊重And the affection of children 孩子们的爱戴To earn the approbation of honest critics 博得真诚的认可A


Three passions 三种激情


The Loneliness of Personal Growth--英文美文
不关键怕因造诣深而产生的孤独感。不必要勉强别人赞识你。做你自己,坚定着你自己的成长,别人是否愿意成长就由他们自己去决定吧。这就是自然界的规则。我们都有选择自己道路的自由。Hi, welcome to Faith Radio Online-Sim


美文欣赏-All I Ever Dream
Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence,My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and thenSpin me around ´til I fell asleep.Then up the stairs he would


中国谚语The Chinese proverb(一)
否定一切也就承认了一切He who commences many things finishes but few.黎明前最黑暗The darkest hour is that before the dawn真正的爱情之路从来不会是平坦的The course of true love never did run smooth .虚度


A coke and a smile--英语阅读


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