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“暴露年龄的图片”上热搜,90后的火星文和00后的字母缩写如出一辙Are there any general guides to "decode" Martian Language
近日,“暴露年龄的图片”登上微博热搜,激起千禧一代的怀旧潮。很多人在评论区回复自己的QQ分组图片,可以看到,青涩的朋友关系分类用了不少火星文。 比如“你”写成


研究发现:气候变暖导致秋天树叶提前变色掉落Climate change is making autumn leaves change colour earlier—here's why


There Years Later and 10 Points Wiser
Time isn’t on my side. Another year has passed, and the completion of my junior year is the essence of my thought. What a year it has been. I ritually write a column summarizing the new theories of each of my years. Now I’m a 20-year-old


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