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Safety hazards inherent in TEPCO's decommissioning of nuclear facilities, management of radioac
The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)'s decommissioning of the nuclear facilities and the management of radioactive waste at its Fukushima nuclear site are fraught with safety hazards, after Japan's


Russian FM to meet Blinken if there is willingness from Washington: Russian UN envoy - Russian FM to
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is ready to meet U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken later this month when he travels to New York, if there is willingness from Washington, said Russian envoy here on Monday.Lavrov will be in New York to preside o


Northern Hemisphere sees decreasing aerosol optical depth: research - Northern Hemisphere sees decre
Chinese researchers have studied the long-term global distribution of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) that has great significance on air pollution control, forest fire prevention and climate research, and found that the AOD experienced a slight downward trend


NASA missions find Saturn's rings heating its atmosphere - NASA missions find Saturn's rin
Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's upper atmosphere, according to the latest discovery revealed by NASA on Thursday.The phenomenon has never before been seen in the solar system, said NASA.The discovery was made using 40 yea


Russia reiterates adherence to one-China principle - Russia reiterates adherence to one-China princi
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova on Thursday repeated Moscow's adherence to the one-China principle."The Russian position on the Taiwan question is fixed in the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between


专家:未能坚持核心活动导致美国银行倒闭 - Experts: U.S. bank collapse result of failure to adhere to core activities


《万物皆有》在2023年电影独立精神奖中占据主导地位 - 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' dominates 2023 Film Indep
周六,由亚洲主导的多元宇宙冒险《一次所有的一切》(Everything Everywhere All at Once)在第38届年度电影独立精神奖(Film Independent Spirit Awards)上占据了主导地位,获得了破纪录的七座奖杯。该奖项在美国沿海城市洛杉矶县的圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica)举行,旨在表彰美国独立电影人的最佳成就。一部滑稽的科幻动作冒险片《一次所有的一切》不仅获得了当晚的大奖,最佳剧情片奖,而且还横扫了其他电影


中国天基太阳相机发布太阳大气数据 - China's space-based solar camera publishes data on solar atmosphere


今天的中国是梦想成真的国家:Xi - Today's China is country where dreams become reality: Xi


中国天舟四号货船将重返大气层 - China's Tianzhou-4 cargo craft to reenter atmosphere


中国天舟四号货船重返大气层 - China's Tianzhou-4 cargo craft re-enters atmosphere


在美国,通货膨胀不可避免 - In US, there's no escape from inflation


福西说,拜登宣布“大流行结束”后,美国不在需要的地方 - Fauci says U.S. not where it needs to be after Biden declares 'pan
U、 美国顶级传染病专家安东尼·福奇星期一说,在美国总统乔·拜登表示“疫情已经结束”的一天后,美国还没有达到应对新冠肺炎大流行的水平。福奇在与美国战略与国际研究中心的会谈中说,这在很大程度上取决于美国如何应对未来的病毒变异。《希尔报》援引福奇的话说:“我们如何应对,以及我们如何为这些变体的进化做好准备,这将取决于我们。”


Rocket debris reenters atmosphere
Debris from the recently launched Chinese Long March 5B carrier rocket fell back to Earth early on Sunday morning, with most of the remnants


Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft reenters atmosphere in a controlled manner
The Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft destroyed itself during atmospheric reentry on Wednesday morning, according to the China Manned Space Agency


China's Tianzhou-3 cargo craft re-enters atmosphere under control
China's Tianzhou-3 cargo craft re-entered the atmosphere in a controlled manner at 11:31 a.m. (Beijing Time) Wednesday, according to the Chi


China's Tianzhou-3 cargo craft to carry out controlled re-entry into atmosphere
China's Tianzhou-3 cargo craft is scheduled to re-enter the atmosphere in a controlled manner on Wednesday, the China Manned Space Engineeri


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