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说出心里话 Words from the Heart
Words from the Heart说出心里话       Most people need to hear those “three little words” — I love you. Once in a while, they hear them just in time.  I met Connie the day she was admitted to the hospice ward, where I worked as a


A Good Heart to Lean on
When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would inwardly squirm at the un-wanted atten


Not a Chance to Regret
A short while ago when life was simple and all that mattered was friends and having fun. There were two sisters that lived life just as gracefully as possible. There names were Carlie and Mary Jane they were liked by everyone but something


If it was going to easy, it never would have started with something called labor!Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steer your car, and you get about the same results.To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, y


Broken wings,flying heart
   He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life—who was the main source of support for the family.  Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him,his younger b


A Perfect Heart
One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming(宣告,声明) that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a flaw i


Follow your heart and your dream
I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch(大农场,大牧场) in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.The last time I was there he introduced me by sa


Put the goal in your heart
When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body was numb. She had been swimming for nearly sixteen hours.Already she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. Now, at age 34,


Just Listen To Your Heart
How often do you have a really strong gut instinct and it proves to be wrong? How often do you override(推翻,践踏) that instinct and then kick yourself later on? My guess would be that if you're anything like the people that come to me f


Broken Wings,Flying Heart
He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life who was the main source of support for the family.  Since then, he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother


The Heart Knows Best
The D-word. It's most people's worst fear, but, in a bittersweet(苦乐参半的) way, it was my greatest joy. In divorce, you gain something and you lose something. There is no way around it, and in the end, it is best for everyone, whether t


Free Minds and Hearts
At the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played. This time, I thought, it is being played for me, as much as for anyone else. This is organized major league baseball,


Heart of a stranger
The most loved place, for me, in this country has in fact been many places. It has changed throughout the years, as I and my circumstances have changed. I haven't really lost any of the best places from the past, though. I may no longer inh


An Open Heart
My aunt Edith was a widow of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very serious heart ailment. Aunt Edith doesn't accept defeat easily. She began studying medical reports in the library and found


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