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跳房子、玻璃珠、抓拐……小时候玩的游戏用英语怎么说?Games From Your Childhood You Can Still Play


烧脑“剧本杀”成年轻人社交新宠,用英文怎么说?Murder, They Scripted: Extreme Role-Play Games Thrill, Shock China
老一辈在盘文玩,年轻人在盘桌游。玩家们“盘”来“盘”去的剧本杀也是火了好一阵儿了。 早期剧本杀是被网络综艺《明星大侦探》带火的。解释性的翻译会说成Live A


Suppose someone gave you a pen - a sealed, solid-colored pen.  You couldn't see how much ink it had. It might run dry after the first few tentative(试验性的) words or last just long enough to create a masterpiece (or several) that would


Three O' Cat Is Still a Game
What do I believe? What laws do I live by? There are so many answers - work, beauty, truth, love - and I hope I do live by them. But in everyday things I live by the light of a supplementary set of laws. I'd better call them rules of thumb


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