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前明尼阿波利斯警察承认乔治·弗洛伊德之死 - Former Minneapolis cop pleads guilty in death of George Floyd
美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的一名前警官周一对非洲裔美国人乔治·弗洛伊德的死亡表示认罪。29岁的亚历山大·奎恩(J.Alexander Kueng)对一项协助和教唆过失杀人罪表示认罪,此前检方和奎恩的辩护律师同意建议判处42个月监禁。昆是继他的前同事托马斯·莱恩(Thomas Lane)今年早些时候认罪之后,第二位认罪的州检察官。第三位前军官T


Derek Chauvin sentenced to 21 years in federal prison for violating George Floyd's civil rights
Derek Chauvin, a former police officer of Minneapolis, in the U.S. state of Minnesota, was sentenced in a federal court to 21 years in priso


Biden aims for police reform on 2nd anniversary of George Floyd's death
U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed an executive order aimed at reforming federal police practices.The action came on the second an
