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中国国家植物园濒临灭绝的尸花结籽 - Endangered corpse flowers bear seeds at China National Botanical Garden


More Chinese choose fresh-cut flowers for tomb-sweeping
Fresh-cut chrysanthemums fill Zhao Rui's flower shop, as customers flock to purchase bouquets to present to their deceased loved ones on Tom


More Chinese choose fresh-cut flowers for tomb-sweeping
Fresh-cut chrysanthemums fill Zhao Rui's flower shop, as customers flock to purchase bouquets to present to their deceased loved ones on Tom


Windflowers 风飞花
   Windflowers,windflowers  my father told me not to go  near them  He said he feared them always  and he told me that they  carried him away  Windflowers,beautiful  windflowers  I couldn't wait to touch them  to smell t


April Showers Bring May Flowers
From the golden-tipped fields of mid-west America to the ancient kingdoms of verdant(青翠的) Palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would take heed. In more recent times, this truth has been expressed as: April shower


Spring song
Spring is coming, spring is coming, Birdies, build your nest; Weave together straw and feather, Doing each your best. Spring is coming, spring is coming, Flowers are coming too: Pansies, lilies, daffodillies, Now are coming thought 
