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Facebook suppressing Hersh's Nord Stream story - Facebook suppressing Hersh's Nord Stream
The question of who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines will likely not go away. But a detailed account by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, which blamed the United States for the explosions, is facing suppression by Western social media.Hersh's


Facebook母公司Meta因数据泄露被罚款3.9亿欧元 - Facebook parent company Meta hit with 390 mln euro fine for data bre
周三,爱尔兰数据保护委员会(DPC)表示,Facebook母公司Meta Ireland因违反欧盟(EU)数据保护规定而被罚款3.9亿欧元(4.13亿美国)。爱尔兰数据保护委员(DPC。第一项罚款为2.1亿欧元,是对其Facebook服务的罚款,而该公司的Instagram服务将被处以1.8亿欧元的罚款


Facebook has selected Meitu for its AR abilities to help it catch up in animated photography. By joining Facebook’s AR Studio as an early beta partner, Meitu will bring three AR camera effects to the Facebook camera soon, it was announced


Facebook says it is working on technology to allow us to control computers directly with our brains.  脸书称,他们正致力于研发一项技术,使人们可以直接通过自己的大脑控制电脑。 It is developing "silent speech" software to allow people to t


Facebook推56种性别选项 你会选哪一种?
You no longer have to identify as male or female on Facebook. Beginning today, you can choose from 56 different gender i
