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中国庆祝国家粮食安全努力 - China celebrates national food security efforts
据国家粮食和战略储备局(National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration)称,中国国家粮食安全宣传周于周一在网上启动,将持续至周日的世界粮食日。本周将举办活动,宣传中国在维护国家粮食安全方面取得的成就,以及中国积极参与国际合作。据该局称,还将推广用于减少粮食生产过程中粮食损失的有效方法


领导中国确保粮食安全的努力 - Leading China's efforts to ensure food security
第五届中国农民丰收节将于周五落下,因为中国正准备迎接全球粮食安全面临挑战的一年中的又一次粮食丰收。中国拥有世界9%的可耕地,需要养活近五分之一的全球人口。 在过去的十年里,粮食安全一直是Xi的重要议程,习也是中共中央总书记


中国呼吁采取综合措施确保粮食安全 - China calls for comprehensive measures to ensure food security


巴基斯坦在俾路支省分发中国捐赠的粮食救济包 - Pakistan distributes China-donated food relief packages in Balochistan provi


China to facilitate quality African food, agricultural imports: spokesperson
China will support and facilitate the entry of more high-quality and distinctive African agricultural and food products into the Chinese mar


Indonesia opts for wheat alternative to address food security
Indonesia is preparing for alternatives to replace wheat whose supply chain has been disrupted by conflicts in Ukraine, the Agriculture Mini


World food prices decline amid relief from restarted Ukraine grain exports: FAO
World food prices declined dramatically in July, according to the Rome-based United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on Frida


Measures counter food security risks
Nation shores up supplies in wake of pandemic challenges, conflictsChina has taken effective measures to respond to global food security ris


UN chief calls for bold, coordinated responses to global food crisis
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday called for bold and coordinated responses to slove the ongoing global food crisi


G20 foreign ministers call for urgency to strengthen multilateralism, ensure food supply chain
The Group of 20 (G20) foreign ministers on Friday called on the urgency to strengthen multiculturalism and ensure that the global food suppl


G20 foreign ministers to discuss food crisis, global stability in Indonesia's Bali
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Xi encourages grain farmers to contribute to national food security
Chinese President Xi Jinping has underscored the exemplary role of large-scale grain growers in encouraging more farmers to contribute to th


Chinese firm donates food aid to Afghan quake victims
The first batch of food aid donated by a Chinese firm has reached the earthquake-hit region in eastern Afghanistan, an Afghan disaster manag


Horn of Africa could face 'unprecedented' food insecurity in 2023, WFP warns
The Horn of Africa could face "unprecedented food unavailability problems" in 2023 due to ongoing drought and food supply shortages caused b


Study advocates adjusting agri-food system
A special policy study of a high-level international think tank for the Chinese government has called for a comprehensive agri-food system t


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