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乌克兰危机的本质是欧洲安全治理矛盾的爆发:中国FM - Essence of Ukraine crisis is outbreak of contradictions in European secu


President Xi Jinping holds trilateral meeting with French President Macron and European Commission P
On Thursday afternoon, President Xi Jinping had a trilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the Great Hall of the People.President Xi pointed out that the concurrent visit to China b


More European countries said to be mulling prohibitions of AI chatbots - More European countries sai
More European countries are considering whether stricter measures are needed to restrain popular chatbots powered by artificial intelligence, or AI, after Italy became the first Western country to block ChatGPT last week.Italy's data protection watch


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to visit China - European Commission President Ur
As agreed between China and the European Union, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen will visit China from April 5 to 7, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning announced on Monday.


China files record number of European patent applications in 2022 - China files record number of Eur
Chinese companies and inventors filed a record high of 19,041 patent applications at the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2022, the Patent Index 2022 of the office revealed Tuesday.This marks an increase of 15.1 percent year-on-year, the highest among the


访问将增进中欧关系 - Visits will enhance Sino-European ties
欧洲领导人即将对北京进行的一系列访问将发出中国与欧盟之间团结与合作的信号,为世界和平、稳定与可持续发展增添正能量,法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)周六表示,他将于4月初访问中国,乌克兰危机是其首要议程。在中国之后的一天


欧盟委员会发起的中国奖学金 - China fellowship launched by European Commission


中国和欧洲领导人寻求稳定的关系 - Chinese, European leaders seek stable ties
11月10日,一群德国企业高管为《法兰克福汇报》(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)日报撰写了一篇联合意见文章,警告不要有压力退出为德国经济服务良好的庞大中国市场。作者包括工业集团西门子、化学制造巨头巴斯夫、制药公司默克、汽车零部件供应商舍弗勒、工业机械制造商舍弗勒的首席执行官


欧洲理事会主席访华 - President of the European Council to visit China


更多欧洲宇航员学习中文,以加强与中国的太空合作 - More European astronauts learn Chinese for better space cooperation with C


俄罗斯抨击欧洲议会 - Russia slams European Parliament


欧洲国家敦促迅速调查天然气泄漏 - European nations urge rapid probe into gas leaks
俄罗斯和欧洲国家已开始调查波罗的海北溪管道天然气泄漏的原因,同时该地区各国加强能源设施周围的安全。周一,在丹麦波恩霍尔姆岛附近的Nord Stream 1和Nord Stream2管道中检测到天然气泄漏。地震报告显示,“很可能”在泄漏之前,该地区发生了爆炸。当一些政客和媒体指责俄罗斯


经济学家表示,天然气短缺、寒冷天气对欧洲公司造成打击 - Gas shortages, cold weather to deal blows to European companies, says e
一位经济学家在接受新华社采访时表示,随着天气越来越冷,欧洲国家从俄罗斯获取天然气的渠道被切断,不断上涨的费用和稀缺的能源供应可能会给许多欧洲公司带来经济“海啸”。由于俄罗斯和乌克兰之间冲突的影响,今年天然气价格飙升,对其他能源产生了连锁反应,并将通货膨胀推至历史新高。LC Macro首席经济学家Lorenzo Codogno


Most European companies in China confident in domestic market prospect: official
(ECNS)-- Most European multinationals present in China are confident in the prospects of the domestic market, with 84 percent expanding or m


Chinese Foreign Ministry summons European, Japanese envoys to protest against G7's wrong statem
Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li summoned relevant European envoys and Japanese envoy over the negative statement issued by the G7 and


European Central Bank walking a tightrope as rate-hiking cycle commences
Delivering on its commitment made at the June meeting, the European Central Bank (ECB) on Thursday increased interest rates by 50 basis poin


Zelensky, European leaders discuss Ukraine's EU integration, conflict with Russia
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with the leaders of France, Germany, Italy and Romania in Kiev Thursday to discuss his country's


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