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U、 美国疾控中心警告儿童呼吸道合胞病毒爆发 - U.S. CDC warns of respiratory syncytial virus outbreak in children


超过1480万美国儿童感染新冠肺炎 - Over 14.8 mln U.S. children infected with COVID-19


文章称,美国每天有28名儿童、青少年死于枪支暴力 - 28 U.S. children, teens die from gun violence each day: article
美国儿科学会(AAP)周三援引科学教育和政策网站science 2.0的话说,每天有28名美国儿童和青少年(相当于一个高中教室)死于枪支暴力,成为24岁以下青少年的头号杀手。“枪支死亡的问题是,每个人都可以在多个领域使用,”报告说,并指出,美国政府没有采取任何措施来防止针对儿童的犯罪,因为有超过20000项法律对枪支进行了监管


美联社:美国农村儿童保育问题恶化 - Child care struggle worsens in rural U.S.: AP


泰国哀悼儿童保育中心枪击事件中丧生的人 - Thailand mourns lives lost in childcare center mass shooting
泰国星期五悼念了东北部农布省一家托儿所发生的大规模枪击事件的受害者,枪击事件导致至少37人死亡,其中大多数是儿童。周五早上,悲痛欲绝的家庭在中心的台阶上放上了白花,这是一名被解雇的警官枪击暴行的现场。泰国总理Prayut Chan-o-cha星期五访问了儿童保育中心,泰国国王Maha Vajiralongkorn和皇后Suthida预计稍后将前往医院


特朗普,他的三个孩子被起诉欺诈 - Trump, 3 of his children sued for fraud
根据周三提交的一项诉讼,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普、他的三个成年子女和家族企业的高管十多年来一直在就房地产估值向银行和保险公司撒谎,以使其资产净值增加数十亿美元,并减少其纳税义务。纽约州民主党司法部长莱蒂亚·詹姆斯(Letitia James)提交的长达222页的民事诉讼指控,特朗普的财务状况给银行和保险公司留下了虚假印象


China to ramp up support for elderly care, childcare industries
China has rolled out measures to support the elderly care and childcare industries to help them overcome difficulties, according to a circul


Study by Pfizer/BioNtech finds its COVID-19 vaccine 73.2 pct efficient in children
The COVID-19 vaccine from BioNTech and Pfizer provides 73.2 percent protection for young children aged six months to four years, according t


China unveils supporting measures for childbirth, parenting
Chinese authorities on Tuesday introduced a raft of policies for prenatal and postnatal support, focusing on reducing the burdens on familie


HK approves Sinovac vaccine for children
Sinovac Biotech's COVID-19 vaccine called CoronaVac has been approved for children aged six months to three years in Hong Kong from Thursday


Hong Kong approves Sinovac vaccine for children aged 6 months
Children aged between six months and three years in Hong Kong will be able to receive Sinovac COVID-19 jabs from Thursday, the Hong Kong Spe


Hong Kong approves Sinovac vaccine for children aged 6 months
Children aged between six months and three years in Hong Kong will be able to receive Sinovac COVID-19 jabs from Thursday, the Hong Kong Spe


No gaps should be left in child protection: Chinese envoy
Perpetrators of grave violations against children should be held accountable, a Chinese envoy said on Tuesday, while calling on the internat


Mile-long school buses head to U.S. lawmaker's office to honor children shot dead, demand gun c
A mile-long yellow school bus convoy on Thursday headed to pro-gun right U.S. Senator Ted Cruz's home and office in Houston, the largest cit


U.S. reports nearly 330,000 child COVID-19 cases in past 4 weeks
Nearly 330,000 child COVID-19 cases had been reported in the United States in the past four weeks, according to the latest report published


Millions of children benefiting from nutrition programs
As of the end of last year, about 13.7 million babies in previously impoverished areas in China have benefited from a nationwide program aim


Astronaut mother sends wishes to her children
Liu Yang, China's first female astronaut, has touched the hearts of millions with a letter to her two children that was made public after sh


China vows to improve eye care services for children, seniors
Monday marks the 27th National Eye Care Day in China. Among the country's efforts to provide more extensive eye care services that cover peo


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