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Astronomers reveal first image of M87 black hole and subatomic particle jet - Astronomers reveal fir
An international team led by Chinese astronomers has unveiled a new image of the supermassive black hole at the center of elliptical galaxy Messier 87, or M87, featuring its accretion disk and the powerful jet of subatomic particles being ejected from the


Demonstration in U.S. city Akron after grand jury declines to indict officers in death of Black man
Protesters and activists gathered and marched in Akron, Ohio, on Tuesday, a day after a grand jury declined to indict police officers who shot a Black man last year."There are several planned events happening today in relation to the recent grand jur


85-year-old white man charged in shooting of Black teenager at front door - 85-year-old white man ch
An 85-year-old white man who shot a Black teenager at his front door last week in Kansas City, U.S. Midwest state of Missouri, has been charged with armed assault, Prosecuting Attorney Zachary Thompson of Clay County said Monday.Speaking at a news confere


Astronomers discover second-closest black hole to Earth - Astronomers discover second-closest black
An international team of astronomers found the second-closest known black hole to Earth, the European Space Agency (ESA) and Israel's Tel Aviv University (TAU) said in separate statements on Thursday.The newly discovered black hole "Gaia BH2&quo


Violence against Black women in L.A. remains high: Brunswick News - Violence against Black women in
Even as the rate of serious crime in Los Angeles, in the U.S. state of California, trends downward, Black women and girls remain at higher risk of victimization than any other demographic, The Brunswick News reported on Sunday.At the same time, their deat


Russia seeks to retrieve remains of U.S. drone from Black Sea - Russia seeks to retrieve remains of
Russia will try to retrieve the wreckage of a U.S. surveillance drone that crashed into the Black Sea on Tuesday, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said Wednesday."I don't know if we will be able to get the remains or not, but


俄罗斯国防部:美国无人侦察机在自己的剧烈机动后坠入黑海 - U.S. surveillance drone crashes into Black Sea after its own sharp man


美国黑人更有可能被警察枪杀:文章 - U.S. Black people far more likely to be shot, killed by police: article
据《每日记录》(the Daily Record)上周发表的一篇文章,自2020年5月25日明尼苏达州黑人男子乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被谋杀以来的1000天里,全美已有618名黑人被美国警察枪杀。《每日记录报》是一家总部位于俄亥俄州的日报,也是《今日美国》(USA Today Media Network)的一部分。美国警察平均每年枪杀1000多人。尽管被警察枪杀的人中有一半是白人,但美国黑人被枪杀的比例不成比例


美国宇航局钱德拉天文台在碰撞过程中发现巨大黑洞 - NASA's Chandra observatory discovers giant black holes on collision c


救援行动暂停,尼泊尔坠机现场又发现1具尸体和黑匣子 - Rescue operation suspended with 1 more body, black boxes found at Nepal&
官员表示,救援行动于周一晚间停止,当天早些时候在尼泊尔中部一架客机坠毁现场又找到了一具尸体和黑匣子。尼泊尔军队发言人Krishna Prasad Bhandari准将表示:“我们已经完成了今天的救援行动。”。班达里告诉新华社记者:“我们今天取得的成就是恢复了另外一具遗体、飞行数据记录仪和飞行语音记录仪。”


尼泊尔失事飞机黑匣子被发现,搜寻4份失踪简历 - Black box of Nepal's crashed plane found, search for 4 missing resumes
一名官员表示,周一发现了一架坠毁的尼泊尔客机的黑匣子。尼泊尔民航局(CAAN)发言人贾甘纳·尼鲁拉(Jagannath Niroula)告诉新华社记者:“安全部队不久前就找到了黑匣子。我们很快就会找到。”当天早些时候,救援人员恢复了对四名仍下落不明的人员的搜索。周日,一架客机在博卡拉附近坠毁,尼泊尔中部一个受欢迎的旅游目的地


中国敦促美国在联合国会议期间结束针对美国黑人的警察暴力 - China urges U.S. to end police violence against Black Americans during


先进技术保护黑土 - Advanced technology preserves black soil


U.S. white men sentenced to life in prison for killing Black jogger Ahmaud Arbery
Two white men were sentenced to life in prison on Monday for the 2020 murder of Black man Ahmaud Arbery.U.S. District Court Judge for the So


Expansion in air as June PMI back to black
China's factory activity expanded in June for the first time in four months as new orders and production improved, suggesting the country's


Chinese researchers develop ultra-black coating
Chinese researchers have developed an ultra-black coating with stable performance, according to the Harbin Institute of Technology.Ultra-bla


China passes new law to strengthen black soil protection
China's top legislature on Friday passed a law on black soil conservation, as part of efforts to ensure the country's grain security and pro


Astronomers unveil first image of black hole at center of galaxy
Astronomers revealed the first image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy on Thursday.The image was produced


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