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State of emergency declared in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe declared a state of emergency in the South Asian country, the Prime Minister's Office said o


State of emergency declared in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe declared a state of emergency in the South Asian country, the Prime Minister's Office said o


Washington spends 250 mln USD on biowarfare activities in Ukraine: Russian Defense Ministry
The United States has spent more than 250 million U.S. dollars on military biological activities in Ukraine since 2005, the Russian Defense


China-ASEAN Expo establishes exhibition area for RCEP members
Companies and agencies from RCEP member states such as the Republic of Korea and Japan have confirmed their participation in the expo, accor


Lower tariffs, faster customs clearance -- China, ASEAN share bounty of RCEP trade facilitation pack
During Thailand's durian season every year, orders from China for the thorny "king of fruits" always surge, driving up shipments from the wo


Shenzhou-14 taikonauts conduct in-orbit science experiments, prepare for space walks
Scientific endeavors aboard China's space station are expected to bear fruits, as the Shenzhou-14 taikonauts have devoted more time to micro


Geologists find rare 'cave cloud' in south China's Guangxi
A joint Sino-French cave exploration team has discovered a rare "cave cloud" -- a special kind of natural mineral deposit within a cave -- i


Improved awareness on health grows life expectancy
Life expectancy in China has increased by over 0.6 of a year to 77.93 years as health awareness and access to fitness facilities have been g


China, Myanmar agree to further build community with shared future
China and Myanmar agreed here on Sunday to work together to further build a community with a shared future.While meeting with visiting Chine


PLA developments are defensive in nature, spokesman assures
China will take its national security needs and defense technology into consideration while planning the country's aircraft carrier fleet, a


Foreign capital shows value of A shares
The roughly 70 billion yuan ($10 billion) of foreign capital that has flowed into the A-share market this month marks the biggest such month


Businesses, residents in Tokyo metropolitan area urged to save energy as temperature soars
The Tokyo metropolitan government on Monday urged businesses and residents in the capital and surrounding areas to reduce their consumption


Chinese people are in no hurry to tie the knot
The average age of first marriage of Chinese people stood at 28.67 in 2020 after continuously rising since 2010, China News Service reported


RMB gains larger share in global payments: SWIFT
The Chinese currency renminbi (RMB), or the yuan, has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value i


BRICS speaks as one voice for shared growth
The BRICS cooperation mechanism has developed a multi-tier, systemic set of institutions that is yielding remarkable progress in key areas,


Three Gorges Reservoir area gets new high-speed railway
With a new section launched on Monday, a high-speed railway line that passes through the area best known for the Three Gorges Reservoir has


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