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Harvard admits record number of Asian Americans - Harvard admits record number of Asian Americans
Harvard University has admitted a record number of Asian American students to its Class of 2027 as it faces allegations of bias against Asian students in its admissions process.Of 56,937 individuals who applied, the Ivy League university accepted 1,942 st


20 years on, most Americans say Iraq invasion was wrong decision: Axios - 20 years on, most American
Two decades after the United States invaded Iraq, 61 percent of Americans do not believe the country made the right decision by invading Iraq, according to a new Axios/Ipsos poll."The chaos and destruction that followed the invasion have made a gener


美国警告美国人不要去俄罗斯 - U.S. warns Americans not to go to Russia


盖洛普民意调查显示,只有23%的美国人对美国的现状感到满意 - Only 23% of Americans satisfied with state of things in U.S.: Gallup
盖洛普(Gallup)的年度《国家心情》(Mood of the Nation)民意调查显示,只有23%的美国人对美国的现状感到普遍满意,而其他人则表示不满,近一半的人表示“非常不满”。盖洛普在1月2日至22日的民意调查中,就一些政策问题和对社会的广泛看法对美国人进行了调查,该国的总体生活质量(65%)和一个人通过努力工作获得成功的机会(61%


民意调查:美国人希望采取更多气候变化行动 - Poll: Americans want more climate change action
一项民意调查显示,大多数美国人认为联邦政府在应对气候变化方面做得不够,而接受调查的人也对一项新法律知之甚少,该法律要求美国投入有史以来最大的投资来应对全球变暖。美联社NORC公共事务研究中心(Associated Press NORC Center for Public Affairs Research)周二公布的这项民意调查发现,62%的美国成年人(即约60%的成年人)表示,联邦政府在减少气候变化方面做得太少。仅19%


调查:许多美国人对美国民主持悲观态度 - Survey: Many Americans pessimistic about U.S. democracy


中国敦促美国在联合国会议期间结束针对美国黑人的警察暴力 - China urges U.S. to end police violence against Black Americans during


62 percent of Americans worried about paying for housing in next year: poll
A recent survey by market financing company Freddie Mac showed that most Americans are worried about paying for housing, according to a repo


Americans living in "backsliding" democracy: Washington Post
As voting rights are "being restricted" and freedom is "under siege," Americans are living in a "backsliding" democracy, a recent opinion pi


Racism causes Asian Americans 'collective trauma,' says expert
Asian Americans continue experiencing racist hate despite their efforts to fight against racism over the past two years, which has been "dev


Nearly half of Americans 'struggling' with high inflation, soaring gas prices: poll
The sense of optimism coming out of the pandemic has all but deflated as a looming recession has Americans taking stock of their financial s


U.S. CDC recommends majority of Americans wear masks: media
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that nearly 70 percent of the country's population should either be we


Americans face gender gap in shift to remote work: survey
Women in the United States still face inequality amid the shift to remote work, said a recent report by Fortune, citing McKinsey's American


Russia bans more Americans from entry
The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that an additional 25 U.S. citizens have been indefinitely barred from entering Russia in


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