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调查:许多美国人对美国民主持悲观态度 - Survey: Many Americans pessimistic about U.S. democracy


中国戏剧电影《回家》在北美大银幕上映 - Chinese drama film 'Home Coming' hits North American big screen
中国戏剧电影《回家》周五在北美有限的影院上映。这部电影由CMC Pictures在洛杉矶、旧金山、纽约、休斯顿、拉斯维加斯、圣地亚哥、温哥华、多伦多、渥太华和其他一些拥有大量华侨人口的北美城市的50多家影院上映,配有英文字幕。根据真实事件,通过沙漠和炮火,这部电影描绘了两名手无寸铁的中国外交官的危险旅程


分析称,通货膨胀使美国家庭每月额外花费445美国 - Inflation costs American households 445 extra U.S. dollars a month, says
穆迪分析公司(Moody'S Analytics)最近的一项分析显示,一年多前,通胀飙升导致普通美国家庭支出445美国。该公司的高级经济学家瑞安·斯威特(Ryan Sweet)在9月份通货膨胀率达到8.2%后计算了这个数字。美国劳工部上周报告称,美国消费者价格指数(CPI)9月份上涨0.4%,比去年同期飙升8.2%,核心通胀飙升至40年来的最高水平。作为其计算的一部分


华裔女演员王安娜梅成为首位使用美国货币的亚裔美国人 - Chinese American actress Anna May Wong to be first Asian American on U.S


U、 美国加州投资保护华裔美国历史 - U.S. California invests in preserving Chinese American history


中国敦促美国在联合国会议期间结束针对美国黑人的警察暴力 - China urges U.S. to end police violence against Black Americans during


中国FM告诉美国代表关于中国的五点肯定 - Chinese FM tells American representatives five certainties about China


The Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation and Descendants of Flying Tigers Veterans Recall the
On June 8, Ambassador Qin Gang sent a letter of condolences to the families of Flying Tigers veterans who passed away in the past two years


Biden says slavery 'America's original sin'
Slavery is "America's original sin," U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday in a statement."More than 400 years ago, twenty enslaved Afri


62 percent of Americans worried about paying for housing in next year: poll
A recent survey by market financing company Freddie Mac showed that most Americans are worried about paying for housing, according to a repo


Americans living in "backsliding" democracy: Washington Post
As voting rights are "being restricted" and freedom is "under siege," Americans are living in a "backsliding" democracy, a recent opinion pi


Racism causes Asian Americans 'collective trauma,' says expert
Asian Americans continue experiencing racist hate despite their efforts to fight against racism over the past two years, which has been "dev


Monkeypox hits Europe, Americas hardest: WHO
Europe and the Americas have been affected the most by the monkeypox outbreak, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedro


Nearly half of Americans 'struggling' with high inflation, soaring gas prices: poll
The sense of optimism coming out of the pandemic has all but deflated as a looming recession has Americans taking stock of their financial s


U.S. CDC recommends majority of Americans wear masks: media
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that nearly 70 percent of the country's population should either be we


Police release body-camera footage of African American man fatally shot by officers in Ohio, U.S.
Police of Akron in the U.S. state of Ohio released on Sunday body-camera footage of the fatal shooting of African American Jayland Walker by


Americans face gender gap in shift to remote work: survey
Women in the United States still face inequality amid the shift to remote work, said a recent report by Fortune, citing McKinsey's American


Russia bans more Americans from entry
The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that an additional 25 U.S. citizens have been indefinitely barred from entering Russia in


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