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Prince William will begin his last shift as an air ambulance pilot this afternoon before moving on to life as a full-time member of the royal family.今天下午威廉王子将最后一次担任救护飞机的飞行员,之后他将用全部的时间来履行其皇室职责。The D


Prince Harry left tens of thousands of German schoolchildren distraught as they could not understand a single word of his speech in their final school exam.哈利王子让上万名德国小学生心烦意乱,因为他们期末考试的试题中有哈利王子的演讲,而他们


威廉王子明年搬家或辞职 这是登基的前奏?!
Since Duke and Duchess of Cambridge became parents three years ago, they have turned Anmer Hall in Norfolk into their perfect family home, offering a “normal” childhood for Prince George and Princess Charlotte away from prying eyes.自从剑


 Wanda, the neighborhood witch, was a good witch(女巫师) and had been one for about 221 years. Her fondest dream was to become a fairy godmother. She had been going to the Fairy Godmother Academy for 103 years, learning fairy godmother m


If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, "Somewhere, my flower is there…" But if the sheep


威廉王子入读剑桥大学 学农业管理
The Duke of Cambridge has started full-time studies on an agriculture courseat the University of Cambridge.英国威廉王子


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