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囧研究:人这辈子的亲密朋友只有5个 信不信?
You might not have as many close friends as you think. Researchers have provided new evidence that lends weight to a theory that says you can only maintain five close friendships.你的亲密朋友也许没有你想的那么多。研究员提供的新证据强调了一


Friends 朋友      A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.   真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。      There‘s always going to be people that hurt you,so what you have to do is ke


A Forever Friend    永远的朋友      "A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out."    "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。”      Sometimes in life,    有时候在生活中,      You find a special friend


When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle a


How to Grow Lavender Guess what plant is purple and smells wonderful. You are right! It is lavender, a small and beautiful flower. During my summer vacation, I would like to liven up my garden with lavender. First, I will plant some seeds


No Greater Loveby John W. Mansur I heard this story when I was in Vietnam, and it was told to me as fact. I have no way of knowing for sure that it is true, but I do know that stranger things have happened in war. Whatever their planned tar


Companionship of Books  man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company,whether it be of books or of


爱的遗赠 The Legacy
The Legacy爱的遗赠         When my husband, Bob, died very suddenly in January 1994, I received condolences from people I hadn't heard from in years: letters, cards, flowers, calls, visits. I was overwhelmed with grief, yet uplifted


Standing by,All the way.Here to help you through your day.Holding you up,When you are weak,Helping you find what it is you seek.Catching your tears,When you cry.Pulling you through when the tide is high.Absorbing your voice,When you talk.St


A Friend is....   ( A to Z )   Accepts you as you are 接受原本的你   Believes in "you" 相信你这个人   Calls you just to say "Hi" 打电话给你只是想说声"嗨"   Doesn’t give up on you 从不放弃对你的信心   Envisions the whole of you


Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.- Eleanor RooseveltWe often focus on building relationships with others that we forget the essential first step: being friends


A Forever Friend永远的朋友
    "A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。“    Sometimes in life,有时候在生活中,    You find a special friend;你会找到一个特别的朋友;    Someone who changes your life


   Believe it is important to separate good failures from bad failures. Good failures happen when, even though you made the correct decision, you still lost. Bad failures happen because you made bad decisions, or worse, didn’t make a dec


A new piece of research reveals that telling your wife that you're going for a few rounds of golf with your friends is the most popular excuse adulterers use when sneaking out to meet another woman.  一项新研究显示,当男人要偷偷出门见另一


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