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Quora精选:怎样成为一个更有魅力的男人?Tips: How to become an attractive man?
有什么生活技巧能让一个男人看上去更帅气/迷人?来看看Quora上的高赞回答。 [Photo/Pexels] 获得3.8k好评的答案@James L Moyer


巨人 Giant
GiantTo be a giant.This has forever been our passion, this desire to be a giant.Not to stand on one’s shoulders or have one for a friend.For these may be fortunate things.But to be one.Giants step over barriers that seem never ending.They


巨人 Giant
GiantTo be a giant.This has forever been our passion, this desire to be a giant.Not to stand on one’s shoulders or have one for a friend.For these may be fortunate things.But to be one.Giants step over barriers that seem never ending.They
