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夏威夷火山平静下来 - Volcanoes go quiet on Hawaii
美国地质调查局(U.S.Geological Survey)的夏威夷火山观测站(HVO)周二早些时候宣布,莫纳罗亚火山不再喷发,基拉韦厄火山大约在两周前停止喷发。HVO主管科学家Ken Hon在周二的简报中表示,世界上最大的火山Mauna Loa的喷发已经“可能永久性”停止,Mauna Lo东北部裂谷带的喷发没有暂停和重启的历史先例。“我们很有信心这次火山爆发


Feeling in snow
As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm. I felt as though I could be giving off heat; I had the desire to stay out in this freeze for ho


What is Your Recovery Rate
What is your recovery rate? How long does it take you to recover from actions and behaviors that upset you? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? The longer it takes you to recover, the more influence that incident has on your actions, and the less
