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   即使是身处严冬,在她心中,也都春意浓浓。爱人,会从爱的角度来解释它所面对的一切。  In the severe cold of winter, her heart is filled with warmth. Lovers see everything through the perspectives of love.    倘若失恋,多好的春天,也


What will you do during your vacation? As for me, I can't stand just lying around the house and watching TV all day. What I really want is to go outside for some fun. I love basketball. When I play it, I feel power come from somewhere insid


Never Give Up永不放弃         Never give up,    Never lose hope.     Always have faith,    It allows you to cope.    Trying times will pass,    As they always do.    Just have patience,    Your dreams wil


Feed Your Mind 充实你的思想
Since the pre-historic times, man has had an urge to satisfy his needs. Be it hunger, shelter or search for a mate, he has always manipulated the circumstances to the best of his advantages. Probably this might be the reason why we human ar


Feed Your Mind 充实你的思想
Since the pre-historic times, man has had an urge to satisfy his needs. Be it hunger, shelter or search for a mate, he has always manipulated the circumstances to the best of his advantages. Probably this might be the reason why we human ar


Autumn-the Harvest Season   The autumn, with its ripening fruits, and waving harvest, is now with us. We see on every hand the results of the farmer’s toil and forecast in the springtime. Then it was that he broke up the soil, sowed th


           Wealth, Success and Love A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. P


It is appropriate on an anniversary of the founding of a university to remind ourselves of its purposes.It is equally appropriate at such time for students to reflect on why they have been chosen to attend and to consider how they can best


Stop Waiting 时不我待 珍惜现在
We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal wit


女性参与交易决策 承担风险会小些
Whether it is a married couple choosing a new car, two friends buying a holiday or business colleagues investing in stoc


If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈The significant inscription found on an old keyIf I rest, I rust---would be an e
