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When you've got to go, but you're out there in space, zipped up in a spacesuit, with no toilet in sight and a crew of other astronauts around, what do you do?  如果你在太空裹着宇航服时,迫切需要方便一下,但是周围看不到厕所又有一群宇航员在


外媒:杨利伟外太空听到诡异敲击声 细思恐极
China's first astronaut says he heard mysterious knocks during his first flight in space - but no one has been able to explain the cause of them.中国第一名宇航员称其第一次宇宙飞行时听到神秘的敲击声,但没有人能解释原因。Astronaut Yang Liwei


太空授课激发孩子的梦想 Lecture from Space Inspires Children's Dreams
Itsreported that there are more than sixty million students and teachers watchedthe first space lecture hosted by Wang Y


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