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Germany has called for calm in the wake of the Italian referendum, claiming the result is 'no reason to talk of an EU crisis'.在意大利公投之后,德国赶紧呼吁大家冷静,并声称该公投结果“没有任何理由让大家去议论欧盟危机”。Europe was rocked la


A fresh push for independence has emerged in Scotland after a majority of voters across the United Kingdom approved a British exit, or Brexit, from the European Union, while Scottish voters opposed the departure.  在英国多数人投票同意脱欧


苏格兰或将举行第二次公投 又要搞事情?!
A fresh push for independence has emerged in Scotland after a majority of voters across the United Kingdom approved a British exit, or Brexit, from the European Union, while Scottish voters opposed the departure.当英国多数投票人赞成英国脱欧
