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美国加州6.4级地震造成两人死亡,造成广泛破坏 - 6.4-magnitude earthquake in U.S. California causes two deaths, widespread
周二凌晨,加州北部发生6.4级地震,造成2人死亡,11人受伤,数万人断电。据美国地质调查局(U.S.Geological Survey)称,地震发生在当地时间凌晨2点34分(格林尼治标准时间1034),震中位于距离洪堡县芬代尔约15公里的太平洋上。该镇靠近俄勒冈州边境,约有1300名居民。这两名遇难者分别为72岁和83岁,在地震发生时遭遇了巧合的医疗紧急情况。在le


美国得梅因市枪击事件导致两人死亡,一人受伤 - Two dead, one injured after shooting in U.S. city of Des Moines


马龙拿下世界冠军~ 谁家老公?快来收!
World No. 1 Ma Long edged Chinese compatriot Fan Zhendon 4-3 in one of the most thrilling final to retain the men's singles title while Ding Ning won her first women's doubles trophy in her fifth attempts at the World Table Tennis Champions


My First Kiss 我毕生难忘的初吻
七月流火的季节,玩橄榄球的男孩邂逅心仪已久但未敢表白的碧眼金发女郎,两人不言不语,漫步海滩,男孩献出毕生难忘的初吻。IT was a hot summer day in July . I had been playing football with my friends all afternoon and was on my way home to take a
